jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Italy: A country I'd like to visit

Resultado de imagen para italiaHi! In this beautiful day I'm going to write about a country that I dream to visit... ITALY! I love the italian architecture and the history written in the streets. This amazing country is the cradle of the Renaissance and roman civilization that is western culture base, our culture.
Italy is a member of the European Union and it have two independents states inside his territory: San Marino and Vatican City. The capital is Rome and the president is Sergio Mattarella. The official language is italian.
I want to visit someday the Rome Coliseum, the Vatican City and the Sant'Angelo Castle.
Maybe in the future, I like to live there, I don't know if in Rome, Florence or Venice. I saw some photos of the cities and they are beautiful!
I want to eat the typical food too! I love pasta, but I know that isn't the only food that you can eat there (: and maybe meet some cute italian guy.

Dream it's free and I will really like to make my dream come true (: