jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015


Welcome to my blog! First, I have to introduce me, of course. I'm Camila Carvajal, I was born in Novermber 9th, 1995 in Santiago, Chile.
Actually, I'm studying Public Administration in the University of Chile. My elementary and high school was in Liceo José Miguel Infante, a catholic school for girls. I really miss my school, but I'm so happy in college!
I live with my parents, Mauricio and Mónica, and my little sister Victoria. My dad is like my hero, I love him although we discuss all the time. He inherited me the passion for the books and latin rock. My mom looks just like me! Look her is like to see a version more oldder that me, believe me, scary. And my sister Victoria, a little demon, she's 10 and I love her but makes me crazy in the same time!
My hobbies are read any books that touch my hands, to see the Simpsons and sleep. I'm bored, I know it!
To finish, I hope that you've enjoyed to reading a little bit of me in my first post!
Camila (:

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Camila! your blog is super cute (: I like to read too in my free times!
    My little sister is 10 years old too and she's so complicated.
    Camila do you have any pet? because my dog Rocco needs a new friend hahaha!
    Have a great day!

  2. Camila you aren't bored, I really like sleep that you, in fact I really want going to go to the bed now haha. I met your mother the last year and Yes She looks like you. And I really want meet your little sister.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Dear friend,Camila i think that your family is fantastic!!!, in my opinion your hobbies are very interesting,because i also like to read in my free time,moreover I love the Simpsons in particular the relationship of Homero and Marge ajajjajaja :D

    Regards Camila bye bye.

  5. Hi Camila!! You´re blog is great!
    I also like read books, but sometimes is not enough the time to read :(
    You're sister have to be super cute when she is not a little demon (that part when I read gave me laugh sdfghjkjhgfdss)
