domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

What I am expecting for this semester?

Hi everyone!
Today I'm going to talk about what I'm expecting for this semester in the university. I think that is a little complicated to me because I don't think about it a lot. This semester isn't too easy like the past. Now I face to new challenges with new teachers.
My subjetcs this semester are: English III, Applied Statistics, Administrative Theory, Administrative Right I, Science Theory and Microeconomy. I think that are more complicated that the subjects of the last semester, I'm so nervous!
This year I didn't take extracurriculars activities because the time schedule don't let me. Is so sad to me, I will like to do basquetball or zumba in college but is not possible. Maybe I will take it the next semester those activities.
I expect for the semester just approve all the subjetcs to continue learning!

3 comentarios:

  1. Dear Camila, I really love your blog it's beautiful and it's name is so creative.
    I didn't take free courses like you, our schedule is so tight.
    Don't be nervous because I'm sure that you going to approve all your courses because you're smart and applied.
    A big hug to you, see you in class.

  2. Camila :) Relax I'm sure that you have goods marks and you approve all yout courses :D
    The next semester go zumba together !!!! Is very funny

    I hope you had a good wekeend with you family



  3. Hi Camila! I'm pretty sure that you going to aprove all the subjects this semester, just trust in yourself because you're so smart! (:
    Just like you I didn't take an extracurricular this semester, maybe next semester we can take one together!
    Bye! have a nice week!
