jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Harold Koontz: an expert in administration

Hello! In this post I'm going to talk about an expert on my field, administration, Harold Koontz, that is a eminence internationally recognized and that in his life made great contributions in this field.
Harold Koontz was an American organizational theorist, professor of business management at the University of California, Los Angeles and a consultant for many of America's largest business organizations. He was born on 1909 and died on 1984. He was co-authored the book "Principles of Management" with Cyril J. O'Donnell; the book has sold around two million copies and has been translated into 15 languages.
Koontz was a member of the American Academy of Management and of the International Academy of Management.
I admire him because in his most important book, "Principles of Management", he points out that management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment where individuals, working together in groups, efficiently achieve the chosen objectives.
Koontz taught a new perspective of the administration, and with his theory eased the process to achieve the wellness, changing the structure in five stages: planning, organization, control, direction and evaluation. I based a dissertation in his way to see the administrative process that is actually used in the Public Administration. 

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Camila! I have to read his books too this semester!
    Have a nice day, see you around :)

  2. Dear Camila, That book is interesting and so useful to our field, the administrative process is important to our development like Public administrators, see you in class, greetings

  3. camila interesting koontz I did not remember anything about him jajaja
    greetings and hugs

  4. OH!, we studied these five stages in the course of Administrative Theory :O
    I wolud say that without this author, the public managment woud be a claos :O
    Thaks for Harold Koontz! :)

  5. Hi!
    His contribution to our field is so important, without this 5 stages the organization process will be a disaster!
