jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

My Blogging Experience

Hello! This is my last post in this blog :( I will really miss to write here all the thrusdays. It was a funny experience because is a new way to show to other things about me and meet to my classmates. Is a great idea to teach and learn English to young people.
This experience help me to amplify my vocabulary, read better in english and improve my writting in a different way, talk about interesting topics to me, like my family, my favorite serie, between others. 
I have to confess that sometimes write posts is stressful, because I don't have too much inspiration and imagination to write good posts. I used the Google Traslate for write in the blog more that in my entire life!
I will like to write about my favorite book or my opinion about a topic of general interest, like politics, to comment the contingency in my country and in the world.
I think that is possible with this activities learn more words in english and to meet more things with my classmates's post, they can teach me things that I don't know.
I hope that people who have read my blog enjoyed with it and now they know me a little more.

Thank you for all (:

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

The Simpson: my favorite serie

Simpsons FamilyPicture.pngIt's time to talk about my favorite serie: The Simpson. This serie was created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. Since its debut on December 17, 1989, the series has broadcast 574 episodes, and 26 seasons! I think that the 10th and 15th are the best! The Simpson family is formed for Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. The serie is a parody of the american culture. The Simpson live in Springfield, a town that we don't know in which state in USA is, is like a mystery. 
In some episodes appear famous people like Lady Gaga and George Bush. The Simpson have special Halloween episodes, "Threehouse of Horror", that are so funny! 
I love the serie because is a funny way to analyze and criticize not only the american lifestyle, it's a form to laugh of all the western culture. 
I prefer to see comedy series like The Big Bang Theory and Friends, we need to laugh a little every day with funny situations and distract of our lives (:
I don't have satellite TV in my house and I can't see all the series that I want, like Games of Thrones, House of Card and Breaking Bad, but I will see it, someday.
What is your favorite serie? Tell me! 

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Harold Koontz: an expert in administration

Hello! In this post I'm going to talk about an expert on my field, administration, Harold Koontz, that is a eminence internationally recognized and that in his life made great contributions in this field.
Harold Koontz was an American organizational theorist, professor of business management at the University of California, Los Angeles and a consultant for many of America's largest business organizations. He was born on 1909 and died on 1984. He was co-authored the book "Principles of Management" with Cyril J. O'Donnell; the book has sold around two million copies and has been translated into 15 languages.
Koontz was a member of the American Academy of Management and of the International Academy of Management.
I admire him because in his most important book, "Principles of Management", he points out that management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment where individuals, working together in groups, efficiently achieve the chosen objectives.
Koontz taught a new perspective of the administration, and with his theory eased the process to achieve the wellness, changing the structure in five stages: planning, organization, control, direction and evaluation. I based a dissertation in his way to see the administrative process that is actually used in the Public Administration. 

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Italy: A country I'd like to visit

Resultado de imagen para italiaHi! In this beautiful day I'm going to write about a country that I dream to visit... ITALY! I love the italian architecture and the history written in the streets. This amazing country is the cradle of the Renaissance and roman civilization that is western culture base, our culture.
Italy is a member of the European Union and it have two independents states inside his territory: San Marino and Vatican City. The capital is Rome and the president is Sergio Mattarella. The official language is italian.
I want to visit someday the Rome Coliseum, the Vatican City and the Sant'Angelo Castle.
Maybe in the future, I like to live there, I don't know if in Rome, Florence or Venice. I saw some photos of the cities and they are beautiful!
I want to eat the typical food too! I love pasta, but I know that isn't the only food that you can eat there (: and maybe meet some cute italian guy.

Dream it's free and I will really like to make my dream come true (:

martes, 23 de junio de 2015

"Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain": My favourite movie (:

Resultado de imagen para amelieThe first time when I saw the movie was in the school when I was 16. With this movie I realized a new perspective, where the imagination flies and I learned that with little things and actions you can change the day of the others. "Amélie" is about a lonely waitress with a big imagination that trying to do the well. In the day of the accident of Lady Di, she find a little box in her bathroom with toys and photographs that a boy hid forty years ago, so she decided to find him. The director is Jean-Pierre Jeunet and the principal actress is Audrey Tautou. 
I love the action and comedy movies too. I think that the explotions are so excited. And I think that the laugh in the life is so important, so I really like to see a good comedy movie, something that is not easy to find.
The last movie that I saw in the cinema was "A night in the museum 3", I was so dissapointed with it, and in the next days I will see "Inside Out" with my sister, I really hope to have a good time in the cinema. 

Well, I see you in the next post! 

jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

A Photograph I like: In the Millenium Cross

Hi everyone! In this post I'll talk about a photograph I like. The photograph is important to me because is of my vacactions this year with my family in La Serena and Coquimbo. That week was amazing! We met a lot of places, like museums, some towns like Vicuña and Guanaqueros.

This photograph was tooke for a argentine tourist that was in the Millenium Cross with her family, She was so friendly. That day was cloudy and windy, our faces are so funny because we was tired :( 
Behind us is the famous Pampilla, Coquimbo, where every year it takes place a festival.
I like so much this photograph cause was a especial familiar moment, and is a memory of a especial vacation too that we had incredible times together.
I hope to take again a photo like this in the future, to see how time flies but the family is always there to revive all the good memories together.

Well, that is all! XO

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2015

The Music of My Life (:

Resultado de imagen para green dayHi You! Today in mi blog I'm going to talk about my favourite music!
In my life I liked different types of music. When I was a child, I always listened the radio with my mom in the car, so I grow up listening to singers like Shakira, Alejandro Sanz. When I started to go to the school was the style of dance and listen Axe music the most famous, I remember when all my school danced the Axe Bahia's songs!!
When I was 13 years old, I met the music of Green Day, Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance! That stage of my life was a little dark and the music was a perfect partner to reflect what I was feeling in that moment. I love in secret to Billie Joe Armstrong! He is the vocalist of Green Day and he plays a lot of musical instruments. My heart was broken when I couldn't go to the Green Day's concert in Santiago, and I've never been a concert in my life :( 
In my last year in high school I started to listen all types of music that I like it. I don't have a definitive kind of favourite music, I am just looking for music that is funny or that it reflect what I am feeling, although I have to confess that I love the romantic music, I don't care the style or if it is in english or spanish, I just love to listen how the people sing to the love (:

I hope that you like my new post, I see you in the next!